
Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Good Morning Peeps

Yes!  I am burning a little of the midnight oil tonight as Hubby is working and he will not know what time I get into bed.  You guys won't tell on me.  Will you.  Will you? 

I wanted to firstly say "Happy Mothering Sunday" to both my Mum, Mum in Law and anyone who is a Mother, whether it be to a small pink "mini you" or of the animal variety.  As you know I am Mother to one mad dog, six lovely (mad) hens and one Cockeral. 

So I thought I would show you the Mother's Day card I have just made for my Mother in Law. The one I made for my Mum is on yesterday's post.

Now I am in no way being "tight" but I have made this card from Snippets but this was purely because I started wading through some papers and what I thought went well I knew were in my Snippets box (and floor) so why cut into a fresh sheet when you know you have it already cut? 

As you can see I also stamped the inside as well as the envelope.  I hope she likes it!  It was Hubby's idea that I make her a chicken card and just for a laugh I will take it over wearing my chicken wellies (see yesterday's post to see them for yourself!).  I will leave the pinnieon behind.  We are taking her for a bacon buttie at a local Garden Centre so wellies will not look out of place!! 

(Sorry about the quality of the photos peeps but the sun is in bed at the moment so no natural light at 1.30am!)

Right, off to make a nice Ovaltine and then I have an appointment with the Scrap 365 magazine which I bought yesterday for the first time.  The only reason it is the first copy I have bought is that the local W H Smiths only ever has 3 copies delivered so it is never in stock!!  When I have had a good rummage through this magazine I will decide whether or not to subscribe.  I already subscribe to Craft Stamper so will have to decide which I like more.

Good night/Morning guys.  Have a good Sunday whatever you are doing.  Weather report is that it is going to be wet here so crafting might be the order of the day as well as cooking a nice piece of baa lamb!!

Let's go and rattle the Playground gate one more time!! Why not join us at the Playground.  There are lots of swings, pogo sticks, roundabouts, a pond.  Go on. Get some Snippets, make a card or something and link up with the lovely Di - she with a flower in her hair.  You know you want to!!  Tag - you are it!

Nos da!



  1. Oh Sam - so sorry! I forgot to open up before going to bed, the posting was all ready - I just added yours for last week to the roll call and published it. Maybe I should text you as I turn the key to open up next time so you can be first :)

    Fabby snippets card - and hope you have a great day!


  2. Fab card you've made there hon. Well done. I've coloured the image in . . .but that's ad far as I got! xxx

  3. Good Lord Sam!! "I'm not tight but I've made her card from snippets and we're taking her out for a BACON BUTTIE"!!!! You're really pushing the boat out for your MIL aren't you, lol!! Thanks for the laugh dearie if nothing else! Fabby card btw, looks like you have some new PB's to play with too! I'll send you an email re the peel offs, or what I mean to say is, I'll add you to my list of things to do and get back to you in ooh, say November???


  4. What a fun card! Intersting image for a mother's day card but I suppose a son would know what his mother would like. Love the colors and the envelop is so cute.

  5. Love your hen card. hope your MIL loved it too and her bacon buttie. Made my Mums card from snippets too and she loved it cos she said it was unique. (Well think thats what she said!!!!).
    Iv'e got cupckaes to share out at break time if you want some.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  6. This is darling!!!! Hey, I make most my cards from snippets or the piles get out of control :-). I love snippet makes the best!!

    Fantastic card once again!!!!


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx