
Monday 2 January 2012

New Year - New Challenge - Snippets

Hello Peeps

Happy New Year to you all!  I hope this year is a Happy, Healthy and Crafty one for you all!

I don't make Resolutions as such but this year I do have a few priorities which I hope I will be able to stick to throughout the year. They are:-

1    Keep my room tidy
2   Make Birthday, Anniversary or Whatever cards ahead of time in order that I do not end up making them last minute and also if anything else pops up new baby for instance, I will not be rushing to make these either
3   Keep up with challenges and try to join in more often
4  Use up those papers in the scrap box.  If I am making a layout, then I MUST use the scraps up and NOT put any more scraps in the box.  Also use up embellishements that haven't seen the light of day for a while and any ink pads that are not in favour any more (i.e. any ink pads that are not Distress Inks!)
5   Finish all my Christmas projects by the end of November so that I can join in with all the Christmas crafting projects at the time instead of in January!

So in order to carry out Priorities 2, 3 and 4 I am joining in with the Snippets Challenge this week with the lovely host of the Challenge Di.  Here you are to use up those Snippets you may have e.g. scraps, embellishments....

Here is my first card of the year...
And the second......
And the third......

All cards paperpieced in a quilting form with a little stamping and embossing on them.  I used a different stamp on the background to the first two.  I even got the sewing machine out to stitch around the edge before distressing the edges.  I used a Colour Box ink pad which I am not too keen on, to ink around all the individual edges.

Some of the papers I know are Basic Grey and Craft Box as well as some hand coloured papers.   All plain cardstock is Bazzill.  Stamps are Tim Holtz and Hero Arts.  DI I did use is Aged Mahogany and the die is a Sizzix one.

As for priority 1, I was a good girl and tidied up my desk before posting this post! 

Don't forget to pop by the lovely Di's blog and join in on the Snippets Challenge.

Bye for now.



  1. These are gorgeous creations! M x

  2. Ditto all the priorities here, especially the ones about getting cards made in advance! I think the rush to get all the Christmas cards done totally puts me off getting crafty again after Christmas!
    Loved the cards so I am going off to investigate the challenge!
    Happy New Year

  3. Oh wow! These are totally gorgeous Sam! Such creative use of your snippets - and really unusual, terrific colours and paper piecing. Go girl, you got the sewing machine out too :) The images blow up beautifully (I'm quite nosy!) if you click on them for full screen and then press F11 - if you hover the mouse over the image it blows up even more :) Remember to press F11 to revert to the toolbars at the top of your screen. Thanks so much for joining in - keep to those resolutions, I need to have a real blitz here :) Di xx

  4. I really like the patchwork, I think I'm just just coming into a bit of a patchwork phase.

  5. Wahooo . . . go SAMMM. You totally rocked the using up snippets/scraps pledges and joined in with a challenge too! Love the cards you've made.


  6. Just a thought hon . . . if you are feeling inclined to join in with more challenges, it might be worth considering taking off word verification. xxx

  7. Sam those cards are really gorgeous and the colours are lush, they are beautiful :)

    Good luck with keeping your New Year resolutions, they all sound like good ones!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Impressive use of all those snippets, fabulous colours, and an admirable list of resolutions ... good luck with the challenges. All the best for 2012. Elizabeth x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx