
Sunday 11 December 2011

Tim's Tags - Day 11 - Grungy Monday

Good Evening Peeps

I hope you have had or are having a great weekend.  Today has found me in my Crafting Room making Christmas cards, the majority of which I have made using Tim Holtz's stamping technique from Tag 3.

Have you been following any of Tim's Tags?  If not, then why not go over to his blog HERE and take a look at  all the tags he has made.  They are truly awesome.  It is such a shame that tomorrow is his last one for 2011.

Before I go on, "Hello" to Lou and thanks for following me and also "Hello" to my other followers too!

The Lovely Linda of Grungy Monday fame gave us two weeks in order to complete the current challenge in order that we could incorporate one or more of Tim's Tags as our challenge.  I have decided to use this one...........Tag 11

As you can see it is not a Christmassey tag, but I could not resist using shrink plastic and alcohol inks with one of my favourite dies and stamp sets, and also the other passion in my life - sewing.   I have made the tag and rosettes using one of my favourite cardstocks by MME.  I bought absolutely loads of sheets of this particular design as I love it sooooo much.  I have also used shrinkplastic, wild plum and espresso alcohol inks, acrylic dabber, walnut stain DI and embossing powder, peeled paint distress stain on the lace and brown bazzill.

I love how this rosette has a beautiful glittered swirl in it.  I know for a fact that I could not get this to happen again!!

Hope you like it and please do not forget to leave me a comment.  Please do not say that the cotton reel looks like a doggy bone - Hubby has already said that!!!  He is DEFINATELY on the Naughty list!!!!!!




  1. I think your tag came out great! I love all the shrink embellies you made (and no, first thought was not a doggie bone, but a spool, I won't say the second thought as it will incriminate me! LOL! And that swirl in the rosette is awesome, and if you're like me, you're right, never in a million years! LOL!

  2. Very pretty tag. Not a dog bone in sight! xxx

  3. Ohhhh. No, only joking of course it's a cotton reel!! It looks wonderful.

  4. Sam the tag is gorgeous, it looks wonderful and definitely no doggie bones!! I love the colours you have used, they work so well together :)

  5. Hi Sam, I really like how your shrink plastic bits turned out. The color is awesome, so is the rosette. Great take on Tim's technique.

  6. Oooh Sam, this is a fabulous take on Tim's tag!! That swirl on the rosette caught my eye right away! How on earth did you do it?!
    Okay, after looking at your tags in the last couple of posts, I want to do them next year! I suppose that means I will have to be finished my cards by Dec 1st next year, hmmm...
    xoxo Karen


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx