
Wednesday 26 October 2011

WOYWW 125 - It is Wednesday Again and what does that mean?

Hello Peeps. 

It is that day again.  WEDNESDAY.  So what does that mean in the the Hettiecraft Household?  Midweek change of towels?  Scottish Dancing (not this week as it is half term!)?  The Bin Men come?  Quick tea (not tonight as no Scottish Dancing see above).  Who Do You Think You Are on the TV (one of the few programs I watch)?  Nope!  Forgotten what the special thing about a Wednesday is.  What was that Mr Monkey?  Ahhhhhhh.  Penny drops (listen to it clattering down the stairs!).  It means it is time for WOYWW with the lovely Julia Dunnit!

Here is my desk as at 6am this morning.......

No.  I is not the same photo as last week, it just feels like it.  I am STILL working on Suitcase Journals, although the one I was working on last week is now safely in Perth with my very grateful Cousin Tracey!

As you can see it is another book I am working on with turquoise/blue papers. 

I did spend most of last week trying to complete the Challenge for my Quilting Group and I can show you a very bad picture of it (almost) complete.  I say "almost" because the packet of clear poppers I bought only had 12 in and I need 16 (no more in stock) and so I used my tacking gun to put it all together.  No-one noticed!! Phew!!

Right, I am off up town to get a Thank You gift for one of my colleagues who is giving me lifts to and from work, then I will come back and scoff my lovely home made soup and cheesey scone which I made last night (I did make more and was going to offer you all some but they were soooo nice and soooo few we have eaten them! Next time I promise!)  When I come back I will have a mini dash round to see some of you and then as I have no Dancing tonight (sad face) I will be able to see more of you tonight.  Don't forget to pop by Julia's blog so you my Hop around the World!!

Have a Happy Wednesday.



  1. Cheese scones - yum! I must make some. I like them with mustard in the mix and a little paprika too, not to mention using really strong cheese. If any go a bit stale, then they get toasted for breakfast. Lovely quilting, but my mind is really on those scones.

  2. Disgraceful (I mean CREATIVE) desk! LOL!

    Great quilt! Don't know how you fit all your activities in!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. That desk sure looks tidy to me lol. Would be needing cheesy scones if I hadn't just scoffed left over liver and bacon from last night!! Beautiful quilt by the way. One day I will take a photo of my desk. xxx

  4. MMmmmmmm soup and scones - we had chicken and rice soup (a Scottish traditional recipe!) no cheese scones for dinner last night :) Quilt looks great and I understand the dilemma ask me who didn't buy enough black card the other day (in my defence there were only 2 packs in the store) so I have ordered more off the interweb and I am hoping it will be similar enough.........

  5. You've got me wondering whether to make scones now. I've been missing in action for a little while so I have quite a bit to catch up on your blogs. I even missed the Cornwall post - don't quite understand how I did that!

  6. Cheese scones are my favourite :-)
    A x

  7. Soup and cheese scone sounds nice. Love the quilt and suitcase book! Have a fab day.

  8. Your little quilt is really lovely - those little dolls are so cute. x Jo

  9. Tacking gun? sounds good to me! So nice to see such a busy desk!

  10. Fluffy dress????? Lol, I don't think so!! Michelin Man comes to mind there :)
    I got the otter print in Hay on Wye in a gallery on the (High?) street down below the little lanes. It's by an artist called Rhian James. I absolutely love it and it fits in well with the colours in my living room.
    Cheese scones, mmmmm, so much better than fruit ones, especially if you put mustard powder in the dough. I'm salivating at the thought....
    Hope you didn't miss your Scottish Dancing too much, och aye the noo :)
    Have a great week!
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  11. Hettie the quilting is just lovely - and there you are off out to buy gifts! I'm going to have to dig out the cheesy scone recipe bad woman you, putting it my mind, just when I've made batches of pumpkin soup...thanks!

  12. I just love your suitcase journals! They are just so fun!

  13. Quilt is lovely! a real keepsake! and yes, you mentioning the chickens...the word I muddle with the the word children, somewhere in my word books is a picture of 'children' and a picture with 'chickens', just to 'help' me out! desk look nice and busy...10 to 7??? my clock would've been about 3 in the morning!!
    have a great week

    Happy WOYWW!

  14. Oh the quilting looks wonderful, I love them!!
    cheesy scones, hmmn....when I am I next doing a soup.......will remember it, and have a hunt in Mrs B for the recipe, will go loverly!!
    Have a lazy week, with plenty of craft to make up for not dancing

    Lou #63

  15. Love the quilting project...and the scones sound yummylicious for sure! Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    Have a great WOYWW xoxo Marjo

  16. I love the suitcase journal that you make! And I think you still have to show us your completed Cornwall journal!
    yum, now I want a cheese scone!
    xoxo Karen

  17. It looks a lovely industrious, creative desk to me, Sam, the sort I'd love to have a rummage through.
    Fancy eating all the cheesy scones, just when I was feeling a bit peckish.
    Love the cute characters on your gorgeous quilt. What a multi talented lady you are.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax

  18. Wow!!! This is a real busy desk and ... I love you suitcase journal. The quilt you've made is really cute. I'm a quilter too and sometimes I don't know how to do these both hobbies in the hours I have. Both are so intensive to work with.
    And yum, cheese scones. I think it's time to come to the UK. xFranka

  19. Oh my, I love your quilt. I am now VERY hungry- your cheesy scones, Julias Pumpkin soup-. Having been to Cornwall recently, we are still hooked on Clotted Cream scones- a late night treat while watching something on TV, lol! Sorry I am late this week, Blogger has been a complete pain!

  20. Good lord gird, get that desk tidied up will ya!! LOVE cheesey scones, might have to make some this weekend, after the Crimbo cake and mincemeat that is! Last weekend I made a Swedish Visiting Cake, almond and lemon, yum, yum, yum!! Very cute quilting too and with your skills why are you buying presents???

    Brenda 83

  21. Great creative space and lovely quilt, Hettie! Happy belated WOYWW, Shoshi #84

  22. Your workdesk looks a lot like mine! lol And I would have LOVED a cheesy scone. :-(
    Just kidding. Happy late WOYWWED!

  23. Hi there Sam, ah you are setting us all off with your talk of cheese scones - yum love the wound of it - mum used to make them and have done so too but not for years - and wow do love your quilting there! thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx