
Thursday 21 April 2011

Mini Squashie Cutie Album - Finished

Hello and Good Evening to all you Crafters

I hope this Maundy Thursday finds you all well and that you are all looking forward to a nice long, healthy and Happy Easter weekend whether you are a believer or not.

I promised you a look at my new album which I have made as a result of THIS posting on Karen's blog.

Here it is again for you to see.....
Front cover.....

Back cover....


Flip it over....

And do you mind if I show you the flowers on the cover in close up?  I made those myself using a punch and yesterday I bought a teeny weeny punch in order that when I make these flowers in future they may have leaves!! I cannot take the credit as I saw it on a blog of Kirsty Wiseman!

I must also make a little confession to you all.  When I saw the original posting on Karen's blog a week last Monday I was very good and made a note of all the requirements so that over the week I could be prepared for Monday when Karen posted the instructions.  I had decided that I would NOT look at the finished book so that it would be a mystery project.  However, a little into the instructions I recognised the method as I had made an album like this as part of my Paris album (I will have to show you that one as it is one of my favourite projects which I undertook!).  I thought about putting the tools, papers and photos down but hey no!  Carry on I did.  And do you know what?  I REALLY enjoyed making this album, especially as the subject matter was so special to both Hubby and myself. 

When I saw Hubby's face when he looked at the album I knew I had made the right decision to carry on.  So HUGE Thank you to Karen for putting this album on your blog and I will go back to the previous monnths' postings to look at the others and I will look forward to your May album. 

Alot of these photographs were just in a folder (which I could not close properly as there were too many) and I knew that they would not make it to a scrapbook layout as some of them were not very good quality, blah blah blah, but to be able to put them into an album of this nature was ideal.  29 photographs I used altogether.  The most in one project EVER!

Thanks again Karen.

Why not pop along to Karen's blog and join in.

Happy Crafting over this weekend and I hope the Easter Bunny brings something nice for you this weekend.


Ingredients:  Papers MME 6" Wild Asparagus: Cardstock, Bazzill; DI Vintage Photo, Aged Mahogany; Sentiment, MME Laundry Line; Stamps, Making Memories, Autumn Leaves, Tim Holtz; Ribbon.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Sam your mini book looks great, its really gorgeous and many thanks for joining in with Aprils AMAM challenge.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx