
Wednesday 30 March 2011

WOYWW 95 Not Exactly a Workdesk!!

Happy Wednesday Crafters!

What has happened to that lovely weather we had on the weekend?  Well at least the garden will be able to have a water!

Here is my Workdesk today!  Not the usual two supports and a shelf between them, and not a piece of paper in sight but I am working! 

I am a little bit of a poorly bunny at the moment and when I am not well I like nothing more than to cwtch up under a quilt and watch old movies.  Well this is what I am doing today, but the quilt is having it's binding sewn on as I am under it! 

I made this quilt some time ago but whilst I was handquilting it we were burgled and the quilt was thrown on the floor and walked upon leaving muddy footprints and glass all over it.  After taking the hand quilting apart and washing it try as I might I could not quilt it without bawling my eyes out thinking about the day I came home to find the house gone through. 

Well last September I was standing my spare room where it was kept and decided it was time I took the bull by the horns and do something about it.  I thought I had three options (1) burn it, (2) get on with it (3) get someone else to quilt it for me.

Well (1) was not an option - all that cost and time, (2) already tried that, so I only had option 3 left.  So I contacted someone who I knew did that School House Quilting and arranged a date for me to take it at the beginning of December.  I picked it up at the end of January and boy did I cry, but it was becuase I was so pleased with it.  So here I am now binding it.  It sure is cozy under here. I will show you the whole quilt when it is finished.

Well, off to look at some other desks now and if you do not know what I am on about just click HERE and you will be slip stitched over to Julia Dunnit's desk and links to a whole lot of other bloggers who join in with the official desk nosey!!

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to leave me a comment.



  1. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But at least you get to cozy up under the most beautiful quilt! What a sad story though :( How could anyone tromp over something so lovely? Well, I guess the type of people that would break into someone's home don't really see the beauty in things. I am glad that you got it fixed up and will be able to use it because it really is a gorgeous piece of art!
    Thanks for visiting me, I was on my way over here and then saw you beat me to it, lol!
    xoxo Karen

  2. Hi Sam. I'm so sorry you've been really poorly. It sounds like you've been having a horrid time. Cozying up in front of old movies sounds good therapy though.
    I'm so glad you managed to finish (with a bit of help) your stunning quilt. It must hold very mixed memories but hopefully you can now put some good ones into it. It takes a long time to get over a Burglary doesn't it, but concentrate on the good things in life and you'll get there, aswell as putting locks on everything that opens, yes I have been there!!!
    Your books are stunning too. Great minds with the alcohol inks!!
    Thanks so much for your lovely comments.
    Hugs Lisax

  3. I hope you feel better soon! So glad that your quilt made it and you can turn it around and have good memories now. :)


  4. Hiya Hun ,
    Do hope your feeling better soon sorry youve been feeling ill for while.That quilt looks absolutely beautiful
    Happy wednesday hugs judex6

  5. Wow Sam that is one story and a half ... we have been burgled once and almost the second time again!! first time we were away, yes they did leave mess,+ took stuff very precious to us but not to them... next time was as I went into my bedroom as 7pm an night there was a fellow coming through my window. Wow, was I scared + mad all at once, I immediately phoned police. He cleared out. He was caught up the hill so he was on the prowl just so grateful he was not IN the room when I came in..
    Also am so glad you did not throw it out.. it does make you vulnerable feeling when that happens so pray you're over it ASAP.. ours was ages ago now thankfully,
    God bless and thanks for sharing and hope you are not so poorly next week!
    Love Shaz in oz.x

  6. Sorry to hear you are doing poorly! I can empathize with you about being burgled and how vulnerable you feel. Our car was broken in to on a trip (about 80 miles from home) and then about 8 weeks later our house was burgled. I felt so violated. Police said probably same people cause they stole my address book and all our camera equipment etc and they knew it would have been replaced. A few years later I was asleep in a hotel in Germany and a man came in a window and was crawling on the floor beside my side of the bed...stole all my travelers checks. Makes you lose trust in fellow man! Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #83

  7. I hope you are soon feeling a lot better. I have been lucky enough to escape burglaries so far, but close friends were burgle three times n a row. The rats waited just long enough for them to have replaced some of their losses. The problem is that you never forget the feelings of violation and outrage, and the feelings of loss over the possessions that were of little financial value, but were irreplaceable to you, your memories of people long gone.
    On a much happier note, that quilt looks stunning and just the thing for when you feel down.

  8. Hope you are feeling better now Sam and well done on finally confronting the quilt issue and getting it done. Hope it is all bound now! Thanks for commenting on my blog and yes its fine for you to use the pun on words - I love puns and often spend more time thinking them up than actually doing the layout!

  9. So glad that you didn't take option 1. Your quilt is gorgeous and well worth getting someone else to quilt it for you. Hope yhou feel better soon. Hugs Mrs A. #16

  10. Hi Sam,
    Thanks for your lovely comments. I did look up that Jane Austen set for you. they are called "Jane's countryside" and the address is It is a sheet of unmounted rubber stamps. They came very quickly. Have fun.

  11. Your quilt is stunning. To think that someone has so much disregard for someone elses home and belongings it just beyond me. I'm so glad you finished it/had it finished because of the love, time and effort you put into it. A true treasure and work of art. TFS

  12. Late visiting people this week! Hope you're feeling better soon.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx